MS-05SK Dokuro Type Zaku: Various Works, Big Size Images, Scans, Full Info

MS-05SK Dokuro Type Zaku:

Various Works, Big Size Images, Scans, Full Info

The MS-05SK Dokuro Type Zaku is a distinctive Mobile suit first featured in the Plamo-Kyoshiro manga and subsequently the Kyoshiro Maniax label , which was the result of the joint collaboration of mecha designer Hajime Katoki and the initial manga staff to produce Gundam Fix Figuration-style action figures and trading figures of Mobile Suits from the manga.

The Dokuro Type Zaku is a variant of the long famous Zaku I series. Sporting a different color scheme, which is used for night missions and stealth operations, the mobile suit is just like the original having the same specs and the same versatility as other mobile suits. It has only has one armament, mainly it’s heat hawk as it’s close combat weaponry.

The Dokuro Type Zaku was eventually from the Zaku I line of mobile suits and its supposed to be used for Nighttime Missions and stealth-based operations. Seeing that darker colors would reduce the mobile suit to be detected, it can prove an advantage in the battlefield when engaging enemy units in combat. But the concept of the Dokuro Type Zaku is been scrapped by Zeon developers in favor on much more powerful and newer Mobile Suits.

The name “Dokuro” (æè‹Šć‘‚) is Japanese for the word “Skull”.

Dokuro Type Zaku – MS Girl

Info: Gundam.Wikia