UPDATE 1/60 Gundam Sandrock / Armadillo unit

(UPDATE) SH-STUDIO 1/60 XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock EW / OVA Ver. / Armadillo unit: Full resin kit. Latest images, info

[June 1, 2023]

manufacturer SH-STUDIO

1/60 XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock Garage Kit
PG 1/60 XXXG-01SR Armadillo Equipment Garage Kit

*The Gundam Sandrock itself is purchased separately.

1/60 XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock Garage Kit

There are two types of EW version and OVA version, and if you purchase both at the same time, one additional set of the following additional bonus weapons will be included.

1/60 XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock Garage Kit EW Version