Do you remember Kuratas? Now It’s time for the Kids! Sakakibara Kikai presents: Kid’s Walker Cyclops. Photoreview Wallpaper Size Images, Video & Info! ENJOY

1Do you remember Kuratas?

Now It’s time for the Kids! 🙂

Sakakibara Kikai presents: Kid’s Walker Cyclops.

Photoreview Wallpaper Size Images, Video & Info! ENJOY 😉

2Standing 2.07 meters tall, 1.7 meters wide, and 1.3 meters long , the robot weights 360 kg. The machine has a large claw on one arm and a spinning drill on the other. 3 4 Completed in March, the KID’S WALKER CYCLOPS has a cockpit the perfect size for a child, with straightforward controls that even developing minds can handle. Using a master-slave setup, your little mechwarrior can move the robot’s corresponding arms up and down and side to side with convenient hand grips.

In addition to the adorable arms of destruction, foot pedals are used to “drive” the CYCLOPS, which can move about freely.5 6Unfortunately, it doesn’t actually walk, but slides around, presumably on wheels hidden on the bottoms of its massive feet. Still, it can spin on a dime and get up to a pretty good speed.

Don’t worry though, it doesn’t look fast enough for a kid to to out-run a panicking parent. Besides, since it runs on batteries we doubt they’d get very far. 7 8check out here below the machine test


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