Mechaion strikes back: MG MS-07B-15 Gouf Custom. Latest Work. Photoreview No.30 Large Images, Info

1Mechaion strikes back:

MG MS-07B-15 Gouf Custom. Latest Work.

Photoreview No.30 Large Images, Info

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My latest build, its a Master Grade Gouf Custom from Bandai. Did a couple of modifications to improve the proportion such as shorten the snout, widen the torso area, the shoulders were also bulked up, dropped the crotch-thigh joints, widen the thigh armors, extended the front crotch armor & widen the front and rear skirts.

Minor detailing was also done. Changed the color into a greyish scheme. Weathered using pastels and oils. Kudos to my friend KKK for sharing “Texas Colony’s” work as reference.