PACIFIC RIM Clips: “Elbow Rocket” & “I Need To Access a Kaiju Brain”. New Posters, Info

1PACIFIC RIM Clips: “Elbow Rocket” & “I Need To Access a Kaiju Brain”.

New Posters, Info

Charlie Hunnam plays Raleigh Becket, a washed-up former Jaeger pilot called out of retirement by the Pan Pacific Defense Corps. Becket and his co-pilot, Kikuchi’s character Mako Mori (who lost her family in a Kaiju attack), are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past.

Charlie Day stars as Dr. Newton Geizler, a scientist studying the Kaiju. In this clip, he goes out on the streets to talk to Ron Perlman‘s character – Hannibal Chau, a Black Market Dealer, in order to get his hands on an actual brain and have a close encounter with a few of the Kaiju.