U.S. MegaBots Team Surpasses Kickstarter Goal for Kuratas Face-Off. Videos, Images, Info

1 2U.S. MegaBots Team Surpasses Kickstarter Goal for Kuratas Face-Off.

Videos, Images, Info

3The U.S.-based MegaBots company surpassed its US$500,000 Kickstarter goal to fund its upcoming duel with Suidobashi Heavy Industry’s million-dollar Kuratas robot. The campaign has raised US$502,489 with three campaign days left.


Creators Matt Oehrlein and Gui Cavalcanti are teaming up with Howe & Howe Technologies to renovate the Mk. II by building a track base that would allow the robot to move at much greater rates of speed and adding stronger armor plating, better weaponry, upgraded hydraulics, and upgrading the robot’s power unit.


Since the project launched, the MegaBot’s story is heading to Hollywood for the documentary treatment. The crew is also working on recruiting Arnold Schwarzenegger to fire off the Mk. II’s old weaponry before upgrading.

4At the US$750,000 stretch goal, more weapon possibilities will be tested. At US$1,000,000, the team will bring on IHMC Robotics from the DARPA challenge to develop a specialized balancing system to keep the Mk. II from falling over if it’s hit. The US$1,250,000 goal will bring on NASA to create a safety system for the pilots. Finally, at US$1,500,000, FonCo Creative Services will add a Hollywood-level, patriotic paint job.


Also collaborating on the project is Mythbusters’ Grant Imahara, X-Prize’s Peter Diamandis, and BattleBots founders Trey Roski and Greg Munson.

The gasoline-powered, 15-foot-tall Mk. II weighs in at 12,000lbs (5,400kg) and requires two pilots to fully operate its movement and cannons. Its cannon shoots three-pound paint balls at 120mph while its smaller gun shoots 20 “paint rockets.” Rewards include a chance a 3D Printed Mk. II and the chance to test drive the robot.

english info via animenewsnetwork.com