Metal Robot Spirits Akatsuki Gundam (Oowashi Sky Pack) Review

Akatsuki Gundam on display stand with beam sabersThe ORB-01 Akatsuki Gundam is a Mobile Suit in the series Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny.

It is initially piloted by Cagalli Yula Athha using the Oowashi Sky Pack, and later by Mu La Flaga using the Shiranui Space Pack.

METAL ROBOT魂 アカツキガンダム(オオワシ装備) (機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY)
Released: 25 october 2019 – Price: 17,600 Yen
Height: 140mm


front view of Akatsuki Gundam rear view of Akatsuki Gundam fron view closeup of Akatsuki Gundam head closeup of Akatsuki Gundam Oowashi Sky Pack with the display stand Oowashi Sky Pack another view on display stand another rear view of Akatsuki Gundam closeup Akatsuki Gundam weapon closeup of Akatsuki Gundam photo of the display stand for the Akatsuki Gundam weapons and shield for the Akatsuki Gundam