Tokuma Ikuta co-stars with Char and Amuro! CogNavi’s new CM “Skills become weapons (Zeon Army Ver.)” 4/9 broadcast! Full translated info, images

“Federal Army Ver.” Will start broadcasting from May 11!

I ve just translated with google translate so translation is “so and so” …. let’s start with the images


CogNavi®, a job hunting and job change site specializing in manufacturing engineers, employs Toma Ikuta as a new commercial and plays with Mobile Suit Gundam’s Char Aznable. Ver.) Will be broadcast tomorrow from Thursday, April 9th, and a version of the skill that becomes a weapon (Federal Army Ver.) Will be broadcast from May 11th (Monday).

“CogNavi®” is a technology that can be used to easily understand both the skills of job seekers and the skill requirements of each department required by recruiting companies. “Technical terms composed of the four fields of” discipline “are systematically represented in a tree shape, and this data is matched using artificial intelligence (AI).
Matching results are scored, and because it is possible to specifically highlight which technical elements have been matched, how much the skills that both job seekers and recruiting companies value are matched. Can be pinpointed.

The scene where Ikuta faces Char as a soldier of the Zeon army in “Skills that become weapons (Zeon Army Ver.)”, And the scene in which “Skills become weapons (Federal Army Ver.)” A scene in which Yudai Tatsumi, a colleague role, faces Amuro as a soldier of the Federal Army, and “ Tsukasa Kotobuki ” who worked as a drawing director and character design at “ Mobile Suit Gundam THE ORIGIN ” is an animation He works on character design.
In an interview right after the shooting, Mr. Ikuta said, “I was excited because I did not dream that myself would be animated and have a world view of Gundam and that I would perform with Amuro and Char. I’m not getting cold! ”

In addition to the story of the new CM “Skills Become a Weapon (Zeon Army Ver.)”, A report of the shooting site has arrived, so let’s check it out.

⇒ “CogNavi®” Official Site
New CM “Skills become weapons (Zeon Army Ver.)” Story
Robot development engineer Ikuta (Toma Ikuta) has been working since morning. A colleague Tatsumi (Mr. Yuta Tatsumi) asked Ikuta, who continued to struggle toward the monitor in the afternoon, asking, “What are you designing?” Ikuta offered a sigh, “This is the finish …” for the design drawing of the Zugop automatic digger. Originally, Tatsumi walks away with a stunned face in the design of a non-specialized drilling machine, saying, “I’m wasting skills.” At that moment, Ikuta, who was depressed, leaned on the chair, saying, “Well …” In search of the voice’s master, turned around was Char Aznable, a major in the Principality of Zion. Ikuta, who was nominated to “Show me or the skills of the engineer,” couldn’t hide the surprise, “Skill?” Apparently Ikuta has entered the world of the universe century, but the moment the mono-eye of a red mobile suit approaching the colony at a very high speed flashes and wraps around, he returns to me. Ikuta reminds himself of Char’s words while recognizing that it is the usual office. “My skills …” Ikuta was active in an environment where he could fully utilize his experience and skills that he had cultivated so far.
Shooting site report
● The people who make this are amazing!
The commercial stage is a corner of the office where many engineers work. The shooting was done on location renting the floor of an office building in Tokyo. Originally it was a very common corporate office, but it was set up as an “Ikuta” engineer, played by Toma Ikuta, and a “robot development department office”, a company where Tatsumi played by his colleague Yuta Tatsumi. , Various props were brought in and placed. A lot of robot arms being prototyped and boards arranged in a random manner. Soldering iron for measuring instruments such as oscilloscopes and jitter meters. In addition, small items that are difficult to understand through the screen, such as mechanical pencils for drawing, triangle scales, and scientific calculators, are arranged in a narrow space. Between shootings, Ikuta and Tatsumi are curious about these “technical” props. He grabbed the electronic circuit on the printed circuit board and was impressed with the words, “I don’t understand this (to themselves).

● Surprisingly! ?
In addition, there are a lot of Gundam goods that props that Ikuta and Tatsumi were worried about were scattered everywhere in the office. It became a playful shooting place for Gundam generation art staff, who also introduced personal items, such as small figures, stationery with red horns, coffee bottles with emblems of Zeon Principality. “I’m surprised that there are (Gundam characters),” said Ikuta and Tatsumi, who are looking for a “hidden Gundam” in between shots.

● Everything is messed up …
NG scenes when shooting “Skills that become weapons (Federal Army Ver.)”. The NG scene is not the NG of performers Ikuta and Tatsumi, but the NG scene where the assistant director of the shooting staff issued the NG. “Ikuta” and “Tatsumi” go to the right and left due to sudden change of specifications in the office at midnight. “That’s all messed up …” (Tatsumi), “What’s going on, I …” (Ikuta), after a line of breathing, responding to Amuro’s voice coming out of nowhere. Sometimes it happened. The camera turns around and the performance starts with “Production! After proceeding with “Everything was messed up …” and “What were you doing, I …”, the assistant director mistakenly said “Yes! Cut!” And stopped acting without waiting for the next action. The two guys, the director, said “No!” In a hurry, “Sorry!” It was God’s response to Ikuta and Tatsumi that saved the shooting site that seemed to freeze for a moment. “I’m sorry!” He said, “I’m sorry for everything.” Immediately, the staff laughs out loud. Then Tatsumi urged his assistant director to say, “What are you doing, I need to say …”, and a loud laughter broke out, returning to the original shooting scene at once.

-[Automatic drilling machine Zugop], [Edamame launcher Mame Cannon], obtain the design drawings in confidential!
Looking at the design drawing that “Ikuta”, a robot development engineer, gives his colleague “Tatsumi” a “Let ’s do this…” You can see that it is a design drawing of a device called “Automatic Driller Zgopp”. This time, at the shooting site, we obtained this plan confidentially, and its contents were partially clarified…. The case doesn’t seem to be very large, but you can see that the upper part is equipped with a mono-eye-like wide camera, and the lower part has a drilling rig similar to Zugok’s iron nail. Apparently, the mechanism of digging holes automatically with the weight of the device itself is unknown, but the usage scene is unknown. From its shape, it is speculated that the ordering company for Ikuta may be an MIP (M.E.P.) affiliated company, but after the one year war, some of MIP Considering that it is a subsidiary of Anaheim Electronics Inc. with the tagline of “”, it may actually be a highly versatile device for private use. The model number can be read as “BBA-ZKO-06”. Also, the version that will be broadcast from Monday, May 11 “The skill becomes a weapon (Federal Army Ver.)”, “Ikuta” and “Tatsumi” are puzzled by sudden changes in specifications “Edamame launcher Mame A blueprint for the “Canon” device appears. The use scene is unknown, but it is said that it has two cannon guns that can shoot boiled edamame six consecutive times.

-Also pay attention to the details of the uniform!
The anime part of the new CM of “CogNavi®”, “The skill becomes a weapon” is the voice actor Shuichi Ikeda (Char Aznable) and Toru Furuya (Amuro Rei), and the character design is Tsukasa Kotobuki A super luxurious lineup that welcomes you. Even in the live-action part where Ikuta-san appears, a pilot suit of the Zeon army and a uniform of the Federal army that are as detailed as the anime part are prepared. “I’m gonna wear these wonderful costumes, and I won’t get too excited!”




「そのスキルが武器になる篇(ジオン軍Ver.)」では生田さんがジオン軍の兵士としてシャアと対面するシーンが、「そのスキルが武器になる篇(連邦軍Ver.)」では生田さんと同僚役の辰巳雄大さんの二人が連邦軍の兵士としてアムロと対面するシーンが描かれており、『機動戦士ガンダム THE ORIGIN』で作画監督やキャラクターデザインを務めた「ことぶきつかさ」さんがアニメのキャラクターデザインを手がけている。


ロボット開発専門のエンジニア生田(生田斗真さん)は、今日も朝から作業中。午後になってもモニターに向かい苦闘を続ける生田に、「お、なに設計してるの?」と声をかけてきたのは同僚の辰巳(辰巳雄大さん)。「こんなの仕上げろって…」とため息交じりに生田が差し出したのは「自動穴掘り機 ズゴップ」の設計図。本来ならば、専門外である穴堀り機の設計に「スキル無駄にしてんなぁ~」と半ば呆れ顔で立ち去る辰巳。意気消沈した生田が、「だよなぁ…」とイスにもたれかかったまさにその時、「いいのか?このままで」と囁く声が。声の主を探して振り向いたその先にいたのは、ジオン公国軍少佐 シャア・アズナブルその人。「見せてもらおうか、エンジニアのスキルとやらを」と指名された生田は、「スキル?」と驚きを隠せない…。どうやら宇宙世紀の世界に入り込んでしまった生田だったが、コロニーの中を超高速で迫ってくる赤いモビルスーツのモノアイが閃光となって周囲を包みこんだ瞬間、ハッと我に返る。そこがいつも通りのオフィスであることを理解しながらも、改めてシャアの言葉を反芻する生田。「オレのスキル…」これまでに培った経験とスキルを思いきり発揮できる環境で活躍する、未来の自分の姿に思いを馳せる生田だった。




「コグナビ®」の新CM、「そのスキルが武器になる篇」のアニメパートは、声優に池田秀一さん(シャア・アズナブル)と、古谷 徹さん(アムロ・レイ)、キャラクターデザインに、ことぶきつかささんを迎えるという超豪華ラインナップ。生田さんが登場する実写パートでも、アニメパートに引けを取らない、ディテールにこだわったジオン軍のパイロットスーツ、連邦軍の制服が用意されました。「こんな素敵な衣装まで着せていただいて、興奮冷めやりません!」と生田さんも大興奮の衣装にもご注目ください!