HG Musha Gundam Mk-III real type custom

Mixing build HG Musha Gundam Mk-III real type Ver. Images, info

From the Modeler:

I tried to make the SD Musha Gundam Mk-III into a real TYPE by mixing Justice Knight, Infinite Justice and others
This time I made a pedestal that looks like a lava crack
A sword can also be stored behind the shield
Lava crack pedestal:
Appropriately put a cork sheet on the plastic plate
Fix the cork sheet with a step
Dissolve cork clay in water
It became a rugged land like lava solidified
Cut with an ultrasonic cutter and glue with a woodwork bond
When the bond dries, paint orange
When the orange is dry, apply red to finish

Work by: すすみゅ〜
aka: susumyu0225 on Twitter