HGM 1/550 Dendrobium: Modeled by Alfetta R. Photoreview Full Size Images, Info

dendrobium_0001HGM 1/550 Dendrobium: Modeled by Alfetta R.

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dendrobium_0002 dendrobium_0003 dendrobium_0004 dendrobium_0005dendrobium_0006From the Modeler:

hello gunjap,
sory for for the long wait
im kind a busy with my work
I didnt even take the photo properly
I just take it from my HP

so this is the pic of dendrobium scale 1:550 HGM
for your info this is not a bandai,
and I didnt include the GP02 n the other mobile suit (didnt know the name :p) because of the bad quality

so thats it, I dont know what to say anymore :p
thx before

ps: sorry for my bad english

al fetta