Metal build Crossbone Gundam X1 Full Cloth: official images, full info, video

P-Bandai Metal build Crossbone Gundam X1 Full Cloth video Preview, full info

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Selling price 33,000 yen (tax included)
Earn points 330P
Reservation acceptance starts October 14, 2020 16:00
Delivery date Scheduled to be shipped in April 2021

“The Last Crossbone Gundam”, Crossbone Gundam X1 Full Cloth is now available in METAL BUILD.
The composite armor that enables elasticity and explosive acceleration can be moved flexibly in various places.
It can be purged for each part, and various situations can be reproduced.
The Peacock Smasher is a one-action deployment gimmick, and the Muramasa Blaster is equipped with a gun mode / sword mode transformation function.
In addition, replacement chest parts, Zanbuster, screw wep, etc. are also included, and the Crossbone Gundam X1 modified / modified (skull heart) state can be reproduced.
The main body coloring has been redesigned with the image of a hero who has survived the battle. It is a luxurious specification that will be the definitive edition of Crossbone Gundam.

Main product contents
・ Main body
・ Replacement left wrist 4 types, replacement right wrist 5 types
・ Replacement head
・ Replacement antenna parts
・ Replacement chest parts
・ Full cloth
・ Core fighter
・ Peacock Smasher x 1
・ Muramasa Blaster x 1
・ Muramasa Blaster blade set
・ Screw web x 2
・ Beam saber x 2
・ Beam saber blade x 2
・ Chain for scissor anchor x 2
・ Brand marker effect x 2
・ Heat dagger blade x 2
・ Buster gun x 1
・ Beam Zumber x 1
・ Beam Zumber effect set
・ Beam shield x 2
・ A set of joint parts for skull head
・ A set of dedicated pedestals

Main product materials ABS / PVC / die-cast
Product size Overall height: Approximately 170 mm