1/144 Self-propelled gun Hikuidori

Remodeling work: 1/144 Self-propelled gun Hikuidori (Gaza C based) full info, images

From the Modeler:

Happy new year again
I have used up my New Year holidays.
This work is based on HGUC 1/144 Gaza C.
The name is taken from “Hikuidori”, which cannot fly in the sky but has a tremendous kick, and was made as an aircraft with a beam cannon with overwhelming firepower but no mobility.
Radar and cameras on the right, cooling on the left.
From the Gaza C kit i used a lot of junk items.
Self-defense Gatling x 2
Like a small mobile suit with a camera.
I painted this area with a dry brush.
Shoot this anchor into the ground when shooting with increased output. Usually a shield.

Work by ブッピ