1/144 Round-Vernian Vifam with Sling Pannier custom

1/144 Round-Vernian Vifam with Sling Pannier: Except for the background box, it is 100% Gunpla. Images, info

From the Modeler:

Mixing build:
I made it on the Guncannon base. I’ve always thought it was similar, so I tried to shape it. I think people in their 40s and 50s will sympathize with it. I’m personally satisfied.
Guncannon, Guncannon early model, Jegan Dom prototype, and Windam are mixed.
The face, shoulders, and shield are Guncannon early models. The turret part is remodeled with surplus parts and wires. The body arm is a revive guncannon.
The waist is Jegan, and the legs are Dom prototype. There was a hole in the polycap where Jegan’s side armor was equipped, so I filled it with a 3mm plastic rod. I bought a square at Dom only for the shape of the knee, so I attached the knee of Guncannon.

I attached Jegan’s surplus thruster to WINDAM’s striker pack so that it looks like a sling pannier, and after that I’m cheating by painting.

Work by: 丸ノフ
Here below his Twitter account