1/100 Gunpla Diorama: The Last Gate. Work by Erix93 Full Photoreview, Info

Asia_Cup_Last_Gate21/100 Gunpla Diorama: The Last Gate. Work by Erix93

Full Photoreview, Info

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UC0082 – The EFSF, after recovering from the last major battle at A Bao A Qu, are in full scale development of mobile suits. Lessons learnt from the last battle are used to develop better, faster and more heavily armoured mobile suits.

On a secret base on Colony Side 8, development & testing of the latest line of mobile suits are underway. Now that leading ace Char Aznable is no longer around, presumed KIA at the battle of A Boa A Qu, these mobile suits will be used in a last push to destroy Zeon.

Meanwhile, a large strike force of Zakus, Gelgoogs and Doms form up just outside the Sea of Solomon to pay their last respects to their fallen comrades before proceeding to the final assault.

Several EFSF mobile suits are used in the defense of Colony Side 8. The sheer numers of the Zeon forces quickly overwhelm the defenders. Out of desperation, the EFSF sends out their prototype GM & Guncannon, the only 2 mobile suits available which stand a chance at taking out the enemy and defending what is known as The Last Gate, a final doorway that leads to the developmental labs and buildings within the colony.

Will the 2 prototype mobile suits survive the onslaught and defend the Colony? Or will they be overrun just like their fallen comrades barely a few minutes ago?