Free papercraft download lets you build Akihabara in your own home! LINKS, info

if you can’t get yourself to Tokyo, you can at least take heart knowing there’s a way to bring Tokyo’s Akihabara neighborhood to you.

Granted, there’s some assembly required, as this scale model of the otaku culture mecca is an extremely thorough papercraft kit from local company Niku no Mansei, whose presence in Akihabara predates modern anime or video games. Niku no Mansei is actually a butcher shop/restaurant complex, but the company also has a wide variety of papercrafts kits available for free, on its Mansei Club hobby and activities website.



The Akihabara papercraft set can be found online here, with a special page just for the model of the Niku no Mansei building here, extra streets here, and assembly diagrams here.