HG Xeku Eins remodeled

Remodeling work: HG 1/144 RMS-141 Xeku Eins. Images, info

I made HG Xeku Eins, which I bought from junk, by finishing it with Zeon color (Zaku color).
I made it myself because it doesn’t have any weapons. I tried holding a shoulder missile and a bazooka in his hand, referring to his first-class weapons.
The main body is made of plastic plate with volume up of the front skirt and crotch, additional armor of the chest and shin, etc.
The rough silhouette and details of the main body are based on Marasai, Zaku 3 and so on.
Missiles on the shield. This is a setting called an anti-ship missile.
How many missiles are loaded …

Back shot. The heat hawk is attached to the rear skirt.

State at the time of purchase … No weapons, thruster ALL missing in each part, and other missing … Did you get or lose 550 yen with this?

I replaced the missing thrusters of each part and the electrical wiring parts that I had at home.
You can buy proper detail-up parts, but you have a budget …

This guy is pretty stooped, isn’t he? The position of the joint on the head is too far behind, so it feels like the face is sticking out forward.
Therefore, the position of the joint has been shifted toward you, and the shoulder joint has also been corrected slightly upward.
I really like the weapons I scratched this time, the bazooka. It’s a simple work just by connecting plastic pipes.
On the far right is the wreckage of an attempt to duplicate the HG Zaku Heathawk.

Dedicated pedestal. Since the main body was a plain coloring, the tone is dropped with a solid weathering so that this one does not stand out too much. The image is an elevator for MS in the base.

I looked it up when I made it, but it seems that there are many examples of this Xeku Eins painted in Zaku color other than myself (it’s better than myself).

Work by may-u