HGAC Gundam HeavyArms Custom

Custom build (the new mold) HGAC Gundam HeavyArms: images, full info

From the Modeler:

This is the first post in 2021. I made HG Gundam HeavyArms.

created additional equipment with the image of locally procured on the earth. I used the Ez Arms and the weapon set that was given as a bonus in the past. The barrel of the gatling was integrally molded and split with an etching saw.

The backpack is additionally equipped with a cannon and missile launcher, and the right arm is additionally equipped with a double beam cannon. The backpack is an energy tank that extends the continuous use time of beam weapons. However, it is the weakest point of this machine. In addition, the right arm is equipped with a large sword to enhance close combat capability.

Double beam cannon

Missile launcher
Since the kit did not have an opening and closing gimmick, I modified it using metal beads and aluminum wire. It’s pretty rough, but I wonder if it looks like that. .. ..

Full open attack
After all, I’ll do this, so I’ll run out of bullets.

Another piece on a white background
An image of an additional camera inside the chest armor to enhance the multi-lock capability.

After shooting all the bullets, fight with a hand-to-hand combat with a big sword on right arm.

The body is smaller than the sudden kit. Personally, I like the newer proportions.
Thank you for watching until the end.

Work by Nattouman