HGUC The O Ground Battle Assault Type

Mixing Build HGUC 1/144 The O Ground Battle Assault Type custom: images, full info

Based on HG’s The O, it combines MG F90’s mission pack, tail rotor pack, surplus parts from the Sabagna final battle specification, etc.

The O is one of the MS that I have grown to like in recent years. The original design was highly complete, so I decided to give it a makeover for Ground battles.

This is an image from the front. The image is based on MS IGLOO’s ground-based guntank, and the coloring is based on my favorite Scope Dog. It got dirty because it was painted in a humid season, so I lightly weathered the whole body.

This is an image of the back. The tail rotor pack is colored with the image of an aircraft. The waist caterpillar is the ORIGIN version of the Guntank.

Change the assault mode with the caterpillar deployed. The builder’s parts MS pipe is attached to the undercarriage to strengthen the hover, and combined with the caterpillar, it is an image of forcibly flying in the wilderness.

It is the back of the assault mode. The tail rotor cannot be used for flight, and its role is to hold down the Ms that is about to be blown away.

Missiles of various hardpoints are removed. Posing is quite limited.
If you remove the mission pack and head visor, it will be in a state close to normal The O.

Work by naming